ARY Laguna Transfer Form

Transfer Form

1. The Transfer Application Form is required to be submitted by a person (“Transferor”) in whose name a completed and verified Application Form of ARY Laguna – DHA City Karachi (“Project”) has been issued by ARY Laguna (Pvt.) Ltd (“Developer”) and who is interested in transferring his/her rights in the Application Form of the Project to another person or party (“Transferee”).

2. The Transfer Application Form shall be read in conjunction with and deemed part of the Membership/Application Form and once it has been accepted by the Developer, the Transferee shall be required to comply with all the terms and conditions of the Membership/Application Form, the Transfer Application Form, as well as any other terms and conditions as may be notified by the Developer from time to time through its official website (

3. Both the Transferor and the Transferee shall be required to, either personally or through an authorized representative/attorney, visit the Office of the Developer for the purposes of completing the formalities of the transfer process. Both the Transferor and/or their authorized representatives/attorneys shall be required to bring their original CNIC/NICOP cards at the time of transfer process. In case an authorized representative/attorney is appearing on behalf of the Transferor or the Transferee, the original Authority Letter/Power of Attorney as well as photocopies of CNIC/NICOP of the Transferor/Transferee shall be submitted along with this Transfer Application Form.

4. The Transfer Application Form must be submitted along with the prescribed fee (in PKR)(“Transfer Fee”) at the designated Office of the Developer. The Transfer Fee may be submitted in the form of Cash or Pay Order.

5. No mark-up/interest against the amount paid on account of the Transfer Fee shall be payable by the Developer.

6. The Developer may require the person submitting this Transfer Application Form to provide all necessary documents at the time of submission or any time thereafter, for the purposes of Verification and Transfer.

7. In case if any dispute arises in relation to this Transfer Application Form, the same shall be referred to the Management Committee of the Developer, whose decision will be final and binding.

8. The Developer, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject this Transfer Application Form without assigning any reason.

9. In the event, it transpires at a later stage that any false information was provided in the Form, the Developer shall be entitled to cancel any such Transfer Application Form.

10. The completed Transfer Application Forms will be processed and verified by the ARY Laguna Office at the sole discretion of the Developer.

11. An Applicant submitting this Form shall be required to comply with all the terms and conditions hereof as well as other terms and conditions as may be notified by the Developer from time to time on